Our organization is an extension of ACTS Missions, a lay-led Catholic apostolate and recognized charitable 501(c)3 organization, and we are it its legal representative serving in the Diocese of Dallas. Whether you are just visiting our site briefly or interested in discovering more about ACTS, we welcome you to our website. It is our prayer that this website will be of service to you.
We help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ among area Catholic communities by promoting, consulting in, facilitating, and coordinating ACTS retreats. as we work with pastors and Core Teams in active ACTS parishes. In order to preserve the integrity of ACTS Retreats, we make available and facilitate regular ACTS Retreat Training for Retreat Directors, Co-Directors, Spiritual Companions, all interested team members and retreatants, as well as provided required ACTS Core training for members of parish Cores Teams.
The Dallas Chapter provides:
Evangelization and outreach to parishes, offering the ACTS Retreat as a valuable evangelization tool for promoting Christ-centered discipleship and building parish community.
Missioning support, guidance and oversight for ACTS Retreats in new parishes sponsoring their first ACTS Retreats.
Assistance in establishing and chartering ACTS Core Teams in parishes after they have completed the missioning process
Approved valuable training for all members of ACTS Retreat Teams and ACTS Cores.
Oversight, direction, and support for ACTS Core Teams in protecting the integrity of the ACTS Retreat in the Diocese of Dallas, as well as ACTS Mission’s copyrighted materials and guidelines.