Give a historical perspective and understanding of ACTS and its purpose.
Provide an overview for the methodology of the ACTS Retreat and the importance of following the principles of simple, reverent, and Catholic.
Provide an explanation for the need to preserve the uniformity and protect the integrity of ACTS.
Provide direction on facilitating an ACTS Retreat using the most recent ACTS Retreat Manual (2019).
All Retreat Directors, Co-Directors, and Spiritual Companions who haven't attended
ACTS Retreat Training within the past three (3) years. (NOTE: If you have not
attended a training using the 2019 ACTS Retreat Manual, you are required to
Core Team members who haven't attended ACTS Retreat Training within the past three (3) years. (NOTE: In accordance with the Core Team Member Yes Agreement signed by all Core Team members, you agree to take the ACTS Core and ACTS Retreat Training within 6 months of your Core appointment. This training fulfills the ACTS Retreat Training requirement. The ACTS Core Training is a separate training course that is offered by the Dallas Chapter of ACTS.)
All ACTS Team members are encouraged to attend ACTS Retreat Training in order to better understand the methodology of the retreat and to gain an understanding of the importance of maintaining the integrity of the retreat.
COMING SOON! Dallas ACTS Chapter Spring 2025 ACTS Retreat Training Calendar & Online Registration.