Education & Training Committee:
You do not have to be a trainer to serve on this Committee.
Become an ACTS Trainer to assist the Dallas Chapter in providing the ACTS Retreat Training Course and the ACTS Core Leadership Course.
Assist with greeting, registration, fee collection, hospitality, meal & snack preparation, and resource preparation for ACTS training. (You do not have to be a trainer to help with this.)
Maintain supplies for training courses.
Missioning Outreach Committee
Assist the Chapter Missioning Coordinator in developing a diocesan-specific plan to grow ACTS Ministry in our region through active missioning to new parishes.
Assists the Chapter Missioning Coordinator in presenting ACTS to parish priests in the Diocese of Dallas.
Mission Retreat Support Committee:
Provide support in missioning the ACTS Retreat in new parishes.
Serve on Mission Teams.
Marketing & Communications:
Assist with Chapter social media presence and distribution of Chapter communications such as a newsletter, prayer board requests, calendar updates, training announcements and retreat announcements.
Social Media Management
Website Development: Assist the Dallas Chapter in developing a first-
rate website to facilitate better communication and service to our ACTS
Chapter News & Communications: Team will develop a monthly newsletter to be distributed to everyone in the Dallas ACTS family. Team will also be responsible for the distribution of prayer board requests, calendar updates, training announcements, and retreat announcements.
Mission Advancement/Fundraising:
Plan and organize Chapter fundraisers to support Chapter goals and ACTS Missions.
Chapter Community Events:
Plan and organize Chapter-wide events that bring all ACTS parishes together in fellowship and support.
IT/Database Management and Support:
Update and maintain the Chapter’s databases.